- 相談電話番号:03-5285-8181
- 対応時間:9:00~20:00 毎日
- 対応言語:日本語、英語を含む6言語
- 相談電話番号:03-6233-9266
- 対応時間:月~金(祝日、12/29~1/3を除く)10時~16時
- 対応言語:日本語、英語を含む9言語(日本語・英語以外の言語は対応日が異なる)
- 相談電話番号:043-297-2966
- 対応時間:月~金 (祝日は休み)9:00~12:00/13:00~16:00
- 対応言語:日本語、英語を含む13言語
埼玉県国際交流協会 外国人総合相談センター埼玉
- 相談電話番号: 048-833-3296
- 対応時間:月~金 (祝日、12/29~1/3は除く)9:00~16:00
- 対応言語:日本語、英語を含む11言語
※ 大きな病院では、かかりつけ医やクリニックの紹介状がないと、選定療養費として1,300円から5,500円ほどの費用が別途請求されます。金額は病院によって異なります。受診する前に確認しましょう。
- 健康保険証
- 在留カードやパスポート
- すでに服用している薬があれば、それも持参します
- (あれば)紹介状
- 症状:いつ頃から、どのような症状があるのか
- 薬:現在飲んでいる薬(あれば持参)、薬や食べ物のアレルギー
- 既往歴:前にかかった大きな病気・手術、今治療している病気
- その他:女性の場合は妊娠中、授乳中かを医師に伝えましょう
病院で必要なことばや表現をまとめたカードです。 カードを印刷して病院に持っていき、指で差しながら病院の人とコミュニケーションをとることができます。
- 難民申請した後、3か月を超える在留資格を取得した時に加入できます。
- 在留カードをもらったら、あなたが住んでいる町の市役所で住民登録をして、国民健康保険に加入します。
- 引越ししたり、仕事を始めたら、役所に連絡します。
- 毎月保険料を払わなくてはなりません。
- 保険料は家族の数や所得などで違います。
- 特別な理由があって保険料を安くしてほしいときは、役所に相談できます。
- 来日して初めて加入するときは保険料を安くすること(減免措置)ができるかどうか、役所に確かめてみましょう。
- 1年分の保険料の請求書が、住んでいる町の役所から郵送されます。毎月支払期限の前までに、その請求書をコンビニエンスストアに持っていき支払います。
- 病院で治療してもらった後、あなたが払うお金は、医療費全体の30%です。小学校に入る前の6歳以下の子どもは20%です。
- 1週間に20時間以上働いて、毎月の給料が88,000円以上などの条件に合う人は、会社などの健康保険に入ります。
- あなたが健康保険に入ると、日本に住んでいるご家族も健康保険に入ることができます。
- 会社に確認して、申し込みましょう。
- 毎月払う保険料は会社などが半分払います。
- 病院で治療してもらった後、あなたが払うお金は、医療費全体の30%です。小学校に入る前の6歳以下の子どもは20%です。
北関東医療相談会 通称AMIGOS(アミーゴス)
電話番号:080-5544-7577 (毎日19:00~22:00)
Eメール: npoamigos2@gmail.com
Your health and the health of your family is important. You consider seeing a doctor when you are not feeling well. In this section, you will find information about: 1) how to find a hospital, 2) how to prepare, 3) medical interpreters, 4) medical insurance, 5) medical expenses, 6) medical consultations in foreign languages, 7) emergency ambulance services, 8) infectious diseases, and 9) mental health issues.
1) How to find a hospital
When you feel sick or injured, first you go to a clinic. If you get a serious ill or a severe injury, you may need to go to a hospital. When you go to a big hospital, you need to bring a referral letter from a cliniq, otherwise you need to pay an extra fee ( see note*)
If you cannot find a hospital when you are ill or injured, please contact the following telephone information services, municipal offices, and international associations in your area.You can also search for clinic/hospital by the Internet.
Telephone information services on medical institutions
Foreign language speaking operators find medical facilities providing services in foreign languages in your living area.
- Phone 03-5285-8181
- Service hours: 9:00~20:00 Daily
- Languages: 6 languages including English and Japanese
MEDICAL INFORMATION SERVICES FOR FOREINGNERS also provides a website to search for medical institutions and pharmacies in your living area.
- Languages: Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean
AMDA International Medical Information Center
Telephone Consultation for medical matters
Foreign language speaking operators find medical facilities providing services in foreign languages in your living area.
- Phone: 03-6233-9266
- Service hours: 10:00-16:00 Monday to Friday (no service on holidays and Dec. 29 ~ Jan,3)
- Languages: 9 languages including English and Japanese (Operators speaking other than English and Japanese change depending on the day of the week. Please check the details at the website: AMDA)
Chiba International Center
- Phone: 043-297-2966
- Service hours: 9:00-12:00/ 13:00-16:00 Monday to Friday (no service on holidays)
- Languages: 13 languages including English and Japanese
Saitama International Association
- Phone: 048-833-3296
- Service hours: 9:00-16:00 Monday to Friday (no service on holidays and Dec. 29 ~ Jan,3)
- Languages: 11 languages including English and Japanese
The Saitama Medical Services Search System
Multilingual Support Center Kanagawa
Telephone Consultation for medical matters
* If you go to a big hospital without a referral letter from a cliniq, you will be charged an extra fee ranging from 1,300 to 5,500 yen, which varied with hospitals. Please verify it before receiving treatment.
2) Preparation for medical consultation
Once you have decided on a hospital, call and check the consultation time before you go.
What to bring to a medical consultation
- Health insurance card
- Residence card and passport
- If you have any medicines you are already taking, bring them with you
- Referral letter (if any)
Useful memo in advance
- Symptoms: what kind of symptoms do you have? Since when?
- Allergies to medicines and foods (if any), name of medicines you are currently taking (if any)
- Medical history: Major illness / surgery that you had before, illness that you are currently treating
- Others: (for women) tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Multiligual medical questionnaire
The Kanagawa International Foundation provides medical questionnaires in 18 languages including English, French, and Arabic. It is helpful if you go to the website below, find a questionnaire sheet written in your language, print out the one for the medical department you are going to visit, and take it to the hospital.
Pointing Medical Card
This card set helps you talk to people at hospitals. Print the card set and take it to the hospital. You can show these words and communicate with hospital staff.
3) Medical Interpretation
When you visit a clinic/hospital, you may need an interpreter to correctly understand the doctor’s recommendations, treatment method, or instruction for the prescription. If an acquaintance who understands both Japanese and your language cannot go to the hospital with you, consult with the hospital, the municipal office, or International Associations in your city.
4) Medical Insurance
You need to hold medical insurance to receive appropriate medical treatment when you get injured or sick. In order to maintain the medical insurance, you need to pay a certain amount of money (insurance premium) every month, although you do not go to the hospital. You will pay a part of the medical expense when you actually receive the treatment. The rest part is covered by the insurance. There are two types of medical insurance.
National Health Insurance
- You can join the health insurance when you have obtained a status of residence of more than 3 months after applying for the recognition of the refugee status.
- In many cases, when you receive your residence card, you will need to register as a resident at the city hall in your living area and join the National Health Insurance.
- If you change your address or start working, contact the city office.
- You need to pay the insurance premium every month.
- Insurance premiums vary depending on the number of your family members and your income.
- If you are financially strained and cannot afford your insurance premiums, you can consult with the city office.
- When you join insurance for the first time, check with the city office if you can reduce your insurance premiums in the first year (reduction and exemption measures).
- A bunch of one-year insurance bills will be mailed from the city office where you live. Take one of the invoices to a convenience store and pay it before the monthly payment deadline.
- After being treated at the hospital, you will pay 30% of the total medical expenses. If you have a child under the age of 6 before entering elementary school and s/he received the treatment, you will pay 20% of the medical expenses.
Health Insurance
- If you work 20 hours or more a week and meet the conditions such as a monthly salary of 88,000 yen or more, you join your company’s (employer’s) health insurance.
- If you have the health insurance, your family living in Japan can also get the health insurance.
- Check with the company and apply.
- The monthly insurance premium is paid in half by the company, and the rest is deducted from the salary.
- After being treated at the hospital, you will pay 30% of the total medical expenses. If you have a child under the age of 6 before entering elementary school and s/he received the treatment, you will pay 20% of the medical expenses.
5) Medical Expenses
If you receive financial support from RHQ:
RHQ will assist you with paying for medical care. Please contact RHQ for further information.
If you have a health insurance:
You pay 30% of the medical expenses and the rest 70% is covered by the health insurance.
High-Cost Medical Expense Benefit or KOGAKU RYOYOHI SEIDO
If you have surgery or hospitalization, your medical expenses will amount to very high even if you have health insurance. Go to the city office where you live and get a “Eligibility Certificate for Ceiling-Amount Application or GENDOGAKU TEKIYO NINTEISHO” issued. You will present this certificate at the hospital to curve your monthly payments to a certain amount.
If you are not eligible for health insurance, and do not receive financial support from RHQ:
Although medical care can be expensive, it is important that you see a doctor and get an appropriate treatment if you are experiencing health problems. We recommend that you talk to a medical social worker who works in the hospital’s medical consultation room so that you can pay your medical bills in installments.
Free or low-cost Medical Care Program or MURYO TEIGAKU SHINRYO JIGYO
Some hospitals provide free or low-cost medical care (treatment and prescription drugs) to patients who are in need of living and cannot afford to pay for medical care. Talk to a medical social worker who works in the hospital’s medical consultation room.
6) Medical Consultation in foreign languages
JAR Medical Consultation
This is a free medical consultation held once a month at a clinic near Akasaka Station. It is not a medical treatment but the doctor will listen to your daily health concerns and give you advice. You can consult in English and simple French. Please contact JAR for more information.
JAR Medical Check-up
This is a free medical checkup held once a month at a hospital near Akihabara Station. Chest X-ray, blood / urine test, blood pressure measurement, and consultation with a doctor. You will be notified of the test results after 3 weeks. Please contact JAR for more information.
Amigos conducts free medical check-up for people in need, briefing sessions on their results, and follow-ups for those who need further treatment. The venues are hospitals in Gunma, Tochigi, Saitama, Chiba, etc. Please contact Amigos for more information.
Phone: 080-5544-7577 (Everyday 19:00~22:00)
E-mail: npoamigos2@gmail.com
Calling an Ambulance
In a medical emergency, please dial “119” to summon an ambulance. If you have difficulty speaking Japanese, ask someone to call an ambulance for you. Ambulance service is free. You will be immediately taken to a hospital to receive treatment. However the treatment you receive once you arrive at the hospital is not free. When you call “119”, you will be connected with a fire station. Please see the following example of a typical phone conversation with a fire station operator for the information you will need to provide should you need to summon an ambulance.
Staff: Is this for fire or ambulance?
You: I need an ambulance.
Staff: Where are you?
You: I live at—[or I’m at—]. (It’s helpful if you give them a landmark near your location or your home so they can easily find your exact address or location).
Staff: What kind of help do you need?
You: (Describe your injury or symptoms).
Staff: Please tell me your phone number.
You: (Give them the phone number you called them from. If you use a pay phone, give them its location).
Staff: Can I ask your name?
You: (Give your name).
8) Infectious Diseases
You can get free tests for tuberculosis, HIV / AIDS, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and other infectious diseases at the health center. However, the tests provided by each health center differ, so please consult with the health center in your area where you are registered as a resident.
It is possible to control the onset of AIDS by taking HIV medication. If you have medical insurance, you can reduce the cost of treatment by applying for Self-reliance Support Medical Service or Jiritsu Shien Iryou, (rehabilitation medical care) at the city office where you live. Talk to a medical social worker at the hospital you are being treated for.
9) Mental Health
Trauma experienced before coming to Japan and current hardships can severely impact your mental health and wellbeing. Sometimes, your family or friends might notice your suffering before you realize . If you’re having mental health problems, you may want to take advantage of a social security service called “medical service for self-reliance, or Jiritsu Shien Iryou”. In order to receive this medical service program, you need to submit documentation from your hospital to your city office. Talk to your hospital’s medical social worker.
Yotsuya Yui Clinic
Languages: Japanese, English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Korean