出産後 2 週間以内に区役所または市役所で手続きをしましょう
- 出生届:病院で発行された出生証明書を提出する
- その後、生まれた子の国民健康保険への加入手続きをする
- 子供医療受給手当(市町村により名称は異なる)・児童手当・児童扶養手当(シングルペアレント対象) の申請をする
- 住民票の写しを発行してもらう(300円)(子の出生証明書が受理された後) (A)
- 出生届受理証明書を発行してもらう(350円)(B)
※出生証明書の提出と同日に行えます。ただし、いくつかの書類は発行に時間がかかるため、受け取りは後日にな る可能性もあります。郵送で自宅に送ってもらえるよう交渉しましょう。
出生後 30 日以内に東京出入国在留管理局で手続きをしましょう
- 上記 2 つの書類(A、B)を提出する(控えとしてコピーをとっておくとよい)
- 子の難民認定申請を行う
- 難民認定申請後、在留資格取得申請を行う
※ パスポートがなければ、パスポートのない理由を記載した理由書を作成します。
※ 原則として子どもも入管に出頭するのですが、親を代理人として手続き可能な場合もあるので入管に相談しましょう。
※ わからないことがあれば、JARにご連絡ください。
公益財団法人かながわ国際交流財団(Kanagawa International Foundation: KIF)
If you are pregnant:
If you think you are pregnant, you go to a hospital (Obstetrics/ gynecology) for examination. If your pregnancy is confirmed, you can get a Maternal and Child Health Handbook, or BOSHI TECHO at the city office. The BOSHI TECHO is an important record of not only the progress of pregnancy and childbirth, but also regular medical examinations and vaccinations after birth. Any pregnant woman can get it regardless of their status of residence. Along with the BOSHI TECHO, get a voucher that gives you a discount on the cost of the maternity checkups.
If you have National Health Insurance or Health Insurance, you can receive a lump-sum payment for childbirth from the insurance at the time of childbirth so that you can pay the childbirth cost with that money.
If you don’t have insurance and will not be able to afford the cost of childbirth in the hospital, you may be able to qualify for a social security service called NYUIN JOSAN SEIDO (meaning financial assistance for childbirth). You can apply at the welfare office or the city hall.
Your child is eligible for regular, free checkups at health centers before he or she is 4 years old.Make sure to check vaccinations and medical examinations when a public health nurse visits your home (Home visit for the newborn baby).
What to do after giving birth
Procedure at the city office within two weeks after the childbirth
- Birth registration: Submit the birth certificate issued by the hospital
- Join the National Health Insurance
- Apply for a child medical allowance (name varies depending on the municipality), child allowance, and child-rearing allowance (for single parents)
- Have a copy of the resident’s card issued (300 yen) (after the child’s birth certificate is accepted) (A)
- Have a birth certificate or SHUSSHO TODOKE JYURI SHOMEISHO issued (350 yen) (B)
* You can do it on the same day as you submit your birth certificate. However, some documents take a long time to issue and may be picked up at a later date. Negotiate to have them sent to your home by mail.
Procedure at the Immigration Bureau within one month after the childbirth
- Submit documents (A) and (B) ( you may want to make copies and keep them with you)
- Apply for the recognition of refugee status for your baby
- Apply for the residence status for the baby
http://www.moj.go.jp/isa/applications/procedures/16-10.html (Japanese)
* If you do not have a baby’s passport, you will need a document stating the reason why you do not have a passport.
* Basically, the baby needs to appear in the immigration bureau, but there are cases where the procedure can be done with the parent as an agent, so consult with the immigration bureau.
* If you have any questions, please contact JAR.
Information site useful for pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare
Kanagawa International Foundation: KIF
Parenting Chart for foreign residents: from pregnancy to enrolling in elementary school
The videos can be helpful to understand more.
1. Parenting chart for foreign residents (12’37")
2. What is BOSHI TECHO? (8’02")
3. Home visit to mother and child (7’10")
Researching and Supporting Multi-Cultural Healthcare Services (RASC)
The Support Guide for Moms and Babies Series (12 languages)
The Support Guide for Moms and Babies (English version)
The Support Guide for Moms and Babies (French version)